¥DÃD : Flying Geese one dollar wide-space Second Big Tai Dot Bi Cover Fetched $2,077 USD on Ebay
¯Å§O: ¶l°È¦õ
UID: 6145
ºëµØ: 0
µo©«: 707
¤É¯ÅÂI¼Æ: 327 ÂI
ª÷¿ú: 2865 ª÷¹ô
½u¤W®É¶¡: 550(®É)
µù¥U®É¶¡: 2012-08-25
³Ì«áµn¿ý: 2024-12-12
¼Ó¥D  µoªí©ó: 2013-10-05 12:29

Flying Geese one dollar wide-space Second Big Tai Dot Bi Cover Fetched $2,077 USD on Ebay



Although I did not win the bid at the very last second, I believe it is still a good buy. I know there were discussions about its actual position, there are other clues exist. Paul Chang¡¦s book page 80 and 81 clearly indicate position 183 ¡§short 1¡¨ position which is identical to page 76 position 175 as shown in the book (that 175 should be 183). Position 184 was discussed by Mr. Swift in the forum below. Mr. Swift pretty much ruled out the possibility of position 117 as the second Big Tai Dot Bi.


From the stamp at position 183, one can trace back the second Da Tai Dot Bi is at position 125 if one has the horizontal block which contains at least 183 and 184..

There are several blocks that can prove it, including a bottom block of 50 that Mr. Yu Zhao-Nian has (or used to have). I know a person in US also has two larger blocks to show the position. I¡¦m hoping someone who possesses a horizontal block including these two stamps (183 and 184) can post it here. 

I¡¦m no expert of flying geese stamps but would like to start a thread here to continue the discussion. I could be wrong and that¡¦s why I¡¦m asking for more information.
[ ¦¹©«³Qming8686¦b2014-10-30 10:33­«·s½s¿è ]
¯Å§O: ¤ä§½ªø
UID: 5919
ºëµØ: 0
µo©«: 13270
¤É¯ÅÂI¼Æ: 2868 ÂI
ª÷¿ú: 32923 ª÷¹ô
½u¤W®É¶¡: 2196(®É)
µù¥U®É¶¡: 2012-03-05
³Ì«áµn¿ý: 2019-08-11
1¼Ó  µoªí©ó: 2013-10-05 15:49

~~~~~Excellent cover~~~~~thankyou for your information~~~~~
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¹ê¦Wµn¿ý; QQ¡A¹q¶l¡A³Õ«È¥H¤Î¹q¸Ü: («Ý¶Ç).
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