主題 : Postage Rates to Increase Amid Rapidly Rising Costs and Declining Mail Volumes
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樓主  發表於: 2023-09-19 21:26

Postage Rates to Increase Amid Rapidly Rising Costs and Declining Mail Volumes

Domestic Postage Rates to Increase by 20 Cents
SINGAPORE, 19 September 2023 – 

Singapore Post Limited (“SingPost’ or the “Group”) today announced that the rate for 
standard regular mail will be increased by 20 cents to 51 cents, 
up from the current 31 cents to reflect the escalating costs of maintaining the postal service. 
The new rates are effective 9 October 2023. The last significant rate incrementwas 
nine years ago in 2014 when postage increased from 22 cents to 30 cents.
SingPost will introduce upcoming changes to simplify the domestic postage rate structure, including 
the elimination of the weight criteria, to make postal services more user-friendly, enhancing 
the customer experience and provide greater convenience. Starting from end-October 2023, 
SingPost will issue a 1st Local stamp booklet (of 10 stamps) to each household to help 
manage the postage increase.
The global structural decline in postal volumes over the last decade brought about by digital 
disruption has impacted the commercial viability of postal firms globally. Between FY2018/19
 and FY2022/23, mail volumes declined by more than 40%. This rate adjustment will help 
address the loss caused by the persistent decline in postal volumes coupled with costlier labour, 
utilities, fuel, and higher conveyance expenses.
This rate increment is necessary for SingPost to continue serving its obligations as
 Singapore’s public postal licensee while allowing further exploration of a more sustainable 
postal business model in the long term, balancing the need to remain viable while safeguarding
 the interests of its shareholders.
Ms Neo Su Yin, Chief Executive Officer Singapore, SingPost said, “SingPost has been 
absorbing inflationary costs and essentially kept our postage rates constant since 2014. 
With the intensifying cost pressures and challenging business landscape, it is inevitable 
that we raise our prices to remain commercially sustainable so that we can continue 
providing the essential postal service for the nation. We are also focused on pursuing 
our strategic transformation towards eCommerce and logistics to mitigate 
the persistent declinein postal volumes and explore business growth opportunities.”
SingPost remains committed to providing high standards of quality postal and parcel 
delivery services for Singapore, including provision of self-service and digital platforms,
 to remain innovative and relevant into the future. SingPost will also continue to strengthen its 
infrastructure for better productivity and cost efficiencies, whilst investing in sustainability efforts 
to build business resilience, and drive green initiatives to contribute towards a more sustainable 
SingPost is working closely with the Infocomm Media Development Authority (“IMDA”) to 
conduct a structural review of the postal business and formulate a longer-term strategy to 
attain commercial sustainability.

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