引用第152樓ming8686于2013-11-15 12:58發表的 回 151樓(swift) 的帖子 :
Good point. I've thought about that too. If it was mis-perforated, let's say the perforation was somewhere on the further left which is outside of the stamp, what I don't understand is why the left side has a vertical straight cut (it almost looks like done by a machine)? Or someone must have used a pair of scissors to get that done. The cover was among a pile of very cheap covers I purchased a while ago and I'm not sure why someone would try to fake it without gaining anything, but that's not important since the cover doesn't mean much to me. It is the stamp itself that I'm interested in.
I checked the Scott catalog, it does say that there are vertical pair w/ horizontal imperf existing but does not say anything about vertical imperf. I guess your suggestion is probably right.