主題 : 有趣的錢幣
級別: 郵務佐
UID: 6145
精華: 0
發帖: 707
升級點數: 327 點
金錢: 2865 金幣
線上時間: 550(時)
註冊時間: 2012-08-25
最後登錄: 2024-12-12
樓主  發表於: 2014-12-23 07:56



What is the significance of 1582?
級別: 郵務佐
UID: 6145
精華: 0
發帖: 707
升級點數: 327 點
金錢: 2865 金幣
線上時間: 550(時)
註冊時間: 2012-08-25
最後登錄: 2024-12-12
1樓  發表於: 2014-12-24 04:58

回 1樓(胡冰瑩) 的帖子

Thanks for the info. It seems to me the name "Formosa" was used earlier than 1582 but that was not used to officially represent the year of the discovery of Taiwan.
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