引用第52樓ming8686于2013-10-25 09:29發表的 回 51樓(嘎比) 的帖子 :
I believe these anti-copy signatures have been misused. One should know that as long as it’s mainly for research or study purposes and do not cause any financial damage to the owner, you can make a copy of it. Some of the reasons I understand why people do that is that many people are stealing the information in order to setup another web site, which, of course, I do not think it’s the right thing to do. But again, even in US, I’ve seen similar things happen here.
I was re-arranging my “junk” US flag PNC stamps while sorting out my favorite plate numbers. Then I discovered that Y拍has almost no listings on such item. Strangely, US flag stamps probably are one of the most abundant stamps anyone can find, yet it seems to attract no one here in Taiwan.
US flag PNC (Plate Number Coil,帶版號捲筒票?) stamps 並不是都沒價值的. 收集時以橫連,票數以奇數為主(1,3,5,7,9,11,13……數字越大越困難). 版號(plate number)應位於中央的郵票, 其中又以Scott#1891 plate#6最為珍貴(新舊票都一樣).手上有美國國旗捲筒票的郵友可以找一找說不定有好東西.Good luck!
多年前在台時記得郵局有發行兩版中山樓捲筒票,不過不記得有plate number.