Just had a chance to talk to the seller regarding shipping. She indicated that these three covers were part of the collection from a New York Symphony Orchestra musician who travelled to China (should be Taiwan I guess) in the 70's. The person acquired these covers during that time and had no idea about the value of these covers. He sold all of his collections to the seller for a moderate price.
The seller asked me why they are so valuable and I told her the story. So even a 30+ year APS pro like her may not know about the flying geese stamps since she deals with stamps world wide. SHe would not tell me the cost of the lot but she for sure got a great deal this time. This will never happen in Taiwan!.
BTW, she specifically said that she does not like to ship internationally for high value items like this. She got burn before.
[ ¦¹©«³Qming8686¦b2014-09-24 08:24«·s½s¿è ]